Two task forces will lead the accreditation processes, overseeing essential planning and application submissions. The full integration process will take three to five years.

SACSCOC Accreditation Task Force

The charge of this task force is to document compliance with the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) accreditation standards to obtain approval for the continued institutional-level accreditation for the integrated university. This team will communicate the accreditation requirements and timelines, compile the Substantive Change Prospectus and Committee Report, and help organize the onsite review.

Task Force Co-Chairs

Jacqueline Mok

Vice President for Academic Faculty and Student Affairs - UTHSA

Heather Shipley

Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs - UTSA

Kasey Neece-Fielder

Associate Vice President for Strategic Planning and Assessment - UTSA

Areas of Responsibility

  • Mission Development Process
  • SACSCOC-Required Documents
  • SACSCOC Prospectus
  • SACSCOC Site Visit

SACSCOC Timeline

The anticipated SACSCOC accreditation timeline revolves around the submission of the substantive change prospectus in March 2025 and it's formal acceptance at the June 2025 meeting.

  1. Fall 2024

    Notification Letter to SACSCOC initiating the merger

  2. February 2025

    Prospectus approved by UTS BOR

  3. March 2025

    Submit prospectus to SACSCOC

  4. June 2025

    SACSCOC June Board meeting & vote to approve prospectus

  5. Summer 2025

    If the prospectus is approved, integration activities can begin

  6. Fall 2025

    Documentation for Substantive Change Committee Report for the Merger submitted to SACSCOC

  7. Late 2025

    Substantive Change Committee conducts site visit and issue findings

  8. Spring 2026

    Submission of Site Visit Following-Up Report to SACSCOC to address findings

  9. June 2026

    SACSCOC BOT reviews Substantive Change Committee Report and the UTSA response to Substantive Change Committee Report.

    SACSCOC BOT provides notification of any compliance issues identified following the merger

Health Education Accreditation Task Force

The charge of this task force is to ensure that all health education accreditations are maintained throughout and after the merger. Their work will result in a clear understanding of accreditation requirements and a plan for addressing those requirements in line with the broader integration plan.

Task Force Co-Chairs

David Shelledy

Dean, School of Health Professions - UTHSA

Heather Shipley

Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs - UTSA


This Task Force will be comprised of the Deans of UT Health San Antonio. Relevant accreditation liaisons will serve as Working Group leads, and these groups will include subject matter experts from the respective schools.

Accreditation Organizations

These accrediting bodies are among those to be addressed as part of the Task Force’s work, with others to be added.














Individual timelines will be developed according to the policies and procedures of each accrediting body.